The Struggle is Real

Guys, this is harder than it should be. I am on day 3 of my social media hiatus and I have no idea when anyone’s birthday is. I missed on of my friends birthdays because I wasn’t paying attention and who knows what else I have missed. I think  my hiatus may be over.

It was a good break but, I am missing on a lot of opportunities. Such as: parties, people trying to reconnect with me, network connections I could be making for my carreer, etc. This just isn’t working so NEW PLAN!

Cut down on the social media!!!!!

I can do that. I can easily do that (but I also thought I could easily do it before…).

Short post. Gotta get on the Facebook and figure out what I’ve missed!

I had 17 notifications and they were all invitations I would have ignored anyway…Seems as though no one missed me while I was gone 

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